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Azerbaijan has established a "single investigative team" in connection with the capture of the former Armenian leaders of Nagorno-Karabakh.

“A single investigative team has been established in the General Prosecutor's Office regarding separatists detained in the Garabagh [(Nagorno-Karabakh)] region of Azerbaijan, said Chief Prosecutor Kamran Aliyev,” APA reports.

Aliyev's wording, however, is not very clear. Do they mean only the former leaders of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)? Or all the Armenian captives? And there are hundreds of them.

But considering that this “investigative team” was set up after the arrest of the former Armenian leaders of Artsakh, it is probably about them.

"The people of Azerbaijan will be fully informed about the course of this investigation and its results. We will provide it. After the investigation, the case will be sent to court," promised the chief prosecutor of Azerbaijan.

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