June 20
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To say that "Russia did not protect Armenia," do you suppose that Russia should have directly counterattacked? This was stated by Russian Ambassador Sergey Kopyrkin in an interview given to the Public Television of Armenia, referring to the remark that Russia did not fulfill its obligations towards Armenia when Azerbaijan had attacked the territory of Armenia.

"At the same time, Russia was not indifferent. Steps were taken and are being taken at the highest level to prevent further tension, to keep the situation under control so that the pillars of the peaceful settlement process are not undermined. That was and still is the role of Russia in the region. I haven't heard a single statement that could be seen as a signal that would say that Russia is abandoning its alliance relations with Armenia," the Russian ambassador said.

And to the remark that both Iran and the US made statements emphasizing that Armenia's territorial integrity is a “red line,” and the only country that does not say such things and does not scold Azerbaijan is Russia, Kopyrkin responded: "In my opinion, public statements cannot be considered out of context. There are no Iranian soldiers here, there are Russian peacekeepers; Russia cannot ignore that fact. It is important for Russia that the situation remains under control, the pillars of peaceful settlement should not be violated. Russia does not depart from its alliance obligations [towards Armenia], but Russia cannot be populist in its statements and actions."

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