June 20
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Those behind the terrorist explosions recorded on January 3 in the Iranian city of Kerman are taking revenge. They are afraid of the supporters of Qassem Soleimani, they want to impose their policy on us, to create a climate of fear among the Iranian people. Mehdi Sobhani, Iran's Ambassador to Armenia, told this to reporters Friday.

A book of mourning has been opened today in the Iranian embassy in Armenia, in which officials, various political and public figures write their notes of condolence in connection with the aforesaid terrorist attack that took dozens of lives.

The Islamic State (IS) terrorist group on Thursday claimed responsibility for this attack.

"They [i.e. the IS] have been carrying out criminal actions against us [i.e. Iran] for many years. General Qassem Soleimani played a major role in the fight against the Islamic State, and they have announced that they claim responsibility for the [aforesaid] terrorism. They aim to create a climate of fear among the Iranian people, but with their actions they are further strengthening Iran and the country's authorities," said the Iranian ambassador to Armenia.

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