June 20
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Zhoghovurd newspaper of Armenia writes as follows: Zhoghovurd daily, making a reference to the noteworthy statement voiced in the interview by Stepan Grigoryan, the chairman of the Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation, had written that the European Union [(EU)] recently removed from the agenda the program to assist Armenia with the facility of Ukraine—the European Peace Facility.

According to the expert's interpretation, they help Ukraine with that facility, thanks to which that country receives tens of billions [US dollars worth] of weapons and ammunition from the European Union.

According to Stepan Grigoryan, the reason for canceling the program for Armenia was [Armenian PM] Nikol Pashinyan's last visit to Saint Petersburg.

In this regard, Zhoghovurd daily turned to Arman Yeghoyan, an MP of the NA [(National Assembly)] CC [(Civil Contract)] faction, Chair of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration, asking why they conduct such a foreign policy, as a result of which we are deprived of such military support.

The ruling force MP said that he is not aware of a joint program with the EU to provide assistance to Armenia, which has been canceled.

"The name of the program, 'Ukrainian facility,' itself suggests that it is intended for Ukraine.

It was approved in 2023 and refers to the restoration of Ukraine's civil infrastructure, it was a project worth about 50 billion [US dollars], and it is related solely to Ukraine.

And in terms of assistance to Armenia, there are many programs, packages that can be talked about for a long time. I am not aware of such a program that was canceled by the EU, let alone recently.

All our programs, jointly with the EU, have been implemented; all programs are going on their course."

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