June 20
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A private conversation between the Prime Ministers of Armenia and Georgia, Nikol Pashinyan and Irakli Garibashvili, took place Friday in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi.

The interlocutors discussed the agenda of today's meeting of the intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation, as well as bilateral political and economic ties between Armenia and Georgia, informed the Armenian PM’s office.

The parties emphasized the strategic nature of the cooperation between the two countries, and expressed confidence that the meeting of the aforesaid intergovernmental commission will give a new impetus to the bilateral cooperation in all domains. In this context, they reflected on the further development of trade and economic relations between Armenia and Georgia, as well as the implementation of joint projects in various domains.

Views were exchanged also on the ongoing processes in the region of the two countries. In this regard, the interlocutors underscored the implementation of consistent steps towards peace and stability.

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