June 22
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The investment company Apricot Capital and the French University in Armenia (UFAR) signed a partnership agreement today, launching a number of collaborative initiatives, including a scholarship program and masterclasses.

"This partnership reflects our commitment to contributing to Armenia's education system and the training of future professionals," said Vachik Gevorgyan, CEO of Apricot Capital. "Education is a core pillar of our CSR strategy. Our team members lecture at universities, we've launched the Apricot Academy to provide educational content on investments, and we actively collaborate with Armenia's leading universities. This new partnership with UFAR is a logical continuation of our efforts, and we are delighted to collaborate with this prestigious interstate university."

Under the agreement, the "Apricot Excellence Scholarship" program will be implemented to support high-achieving students. The company's leading experts will conduct masterclasses and seminars for students, who will also have the opportunity to undertake an educational internship at Apricot Capital, gaining practical experience and working alongside seasoned investment professionals.

“UFAR believes in partnering with businesses to enrich the student experience. Through collaboration with Apricot Capital, this commitment is supported by financial and networking opportunities. Students engage in professional immersion, interacting with experts in the financial sector to grasp industry trends and methods. This direct involvement broadens their horizons, sharpens their practical skills and prepares them for the professional world by exposing them to the real business environment,” noted Salwa Nacouzi, Rector of UFAR.

Both Apricot Capital and UFAR reaffirmed their belief that collaboration between the private sector and educational institutions is crucial for developing highly skilled and innovative young professionals who will, in turn, contribute to Armenia's future growth and success.

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