June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. – President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan on Monday received Helen Clark, the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The President gave a high assessment to the activities by the UN Office in Armenia, and over the past more than twenty years. Sargsyan noted that the office had done a considerable work with respect to the reforms implemented in Armenia, the ensuing progress, and the carrying out of development programs in numerous communities in the country. The President also highly appreciated Clark’s personal contribution.

The interlocutors underscored Armenia’s constant dialogue and close cooperation with the UN organizations, and for the welfare of the country.

In turn, Clark stressed that the UNDP is in Armenia to steadfastly support the country’s development, and she highlighted the discussion with the Armenian government, and regarding the development priorities of the country.

In addition, the UNDP administrator thanked for Armenia’s engagement in the activities of the UN and its organizations.

Serzh Sargsyan and Helen Clark also reflected on regional issues and challenges.

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