June 20
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YEREVAN. – The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) special forces have conducted a brilliant world-class operation by removing the bodies of the pilots of the helicopter which was shot down on November 12.

The Armenian defense minister’s press secretary, Artsrun Hovhannisyan, has commented the aforesaid in his Facebook account.

“Considering the adversary’s excessive shooting and other reactions, these operations were unprecedented in nature and complexity.

“Also considering the adversary’s no small [human] losses, which had set a trap, the execution [of the operation] is simply brilliant.

“The NKR special forces shone on the day of their holiday; kudos to them!” Hovhannisyan specifically wrote.

The remains of these three military servicemen plus some necessary parts of the chopper were removed from the helicopter’s crash site through a special operation by the NKR armed forces.

The Azerbaijani armed forces violated the ceasefire and shot down an NKR Air Force helicopter on November 12. The chopper was downed during a training flight, and it crashed very close to the Karabakh-Azerbaijan Line of Contact. As a result, three pilots were killed: the commander of the helicopter, Major Sergey Sahakyan, as well as Senior Lieutenant Sargis Nazaryan and Lieutenant Azat Sahakyan. The adversary, on the other hand, was firing intensive shots toward the crash site, thus, not allowing access to the area.

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