June 20
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YEREVAN. – Parts of the Karabakh helicopter that was shot down by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces will be submitted for examination, Armenian Defense Minister Syeran Ohanyan told reporters.

“Because of tough position by Azerbaijan, the lack of logic and unwillingness to adhere to the principles of humanism, because of their actions to destroy the helicopter and prevent the removal of bodies, the leadership of the Defense Army of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic has decided to resort to special measures. Thanks to the professional activities of the Karabakh soldiers, the crash site of the helicopter was determined. Body of one of the pilots and remains of the two bodies were removed. Parts of the helicopter were removed for a proper investigation,” he said. 

Minister said the opponent tried to prevent their actions, but the trap was completely destroyed.

“Along with words of comfort to relatives of the dead pilots, we should be proud of the fighters who honorably fulfilled their difficult task,” Ohanyan emphasized.

Asked whether there will be retaliatory measures, the Minister assured that provocations will always have a response.

“We will strengthen measures to detect, identify and eliminate the opponent at front line. But these measures will be targeted only at those who will try to cross the borders. The Armenian people have no habit of surreptitiously hitting with an ax. We give a strict and worthy answer to those who are trying to break peace,” he concluded. 

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