June 19
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YEREVAN. – Members of “No to Plunder” initiative have never discredited demonstrators who stayed on Baghramyan Avenue in Yerevan, initiative members told reporters on Tuesday.

“During this period, many have tried on our behalf to discredit those who are on Baghramyan Avenue, but they are our friends, and we stand with them. Please do not make such statements on our behalf and say that the demonstrators on Baghramyan Avenue are provocateurs,” Artur Kocharyan said.

Members of the initiative group said that now they stand beside those who are on Baghramyan Avenue, but once again repeated they would continue their fight into another, legal platform.

The protest actions against increase in electricity prices have been held since June 22. On June 23 police dispersed protesters and detained 237 people, but the action continued in the evening. Following the statement by President Serzh Sargsyan, the initiative group divided into two groups. The first one left for Liberty Square while another part remained on Baghramyan Avenue where a protest action continues.

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