June 19
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YEREVAN. – The National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia (RA) on Thursday ratified the agreement on the Russian Federation (RF) government providing state export loan to the RA government, reported Zhamanak daily.

“With the 200 million-[US]dollar loan, the RA shall purchase Russian-made military equipment and weaponry.

“There is the view that if thus the RF evens out—or brings close to even—the technico-military capabilities of the RA and Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan is left with nothing else but to continue the arms race and invest new billions [of dollars] to purchase weapons and achieve supremacy over the RA.

“It turns out that the 200 million given to the RA can ensure the RF 2-3 billion [dollars] of additional orders from Azerbaijan; this is not only clear, but genius.

“And that huge state [i.e. the RF] sometimes provokes and inflames this enmity [between Armenia and Azerbaijan], and becomes delighted over its wit and mind,” wrote Zhamanak.

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