June 20
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YEREVAN. – The chairman of Armenia’s opposition New Times party, political scientist Aram Karapetyan, remains of the view that the topic of constitutional reforms is a fake agenda, and an attempt is being made to distract the body politic from the key issues, wrote Hraparak daily.

“Now, everyone will be involved in a fruitless and stupid debate—don’t write in the Constitution, write in the Election Code, etc.  

“In the meantime, they should now fight in Armenia [for] economic recovery, against oligarchy, corruption, and other problems. But since they [i.e. the authorities] can’t do all this, they drag us into a pointless dispute.

“But in the end, this Constitution also will ultimately be publicized in one month, and the public will once again remain facing its problems. At that time, they [i.e. the body politic] will no longer consider the Venice Commission in order to break the head of the authorities,” wrote Hraparak daily quoting Karapetyan.

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