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YEREVAN. - Erdal Merkan, who had earlier arrived in Armenia from Turkey’s Diyarbakir, and was refused to be christened in the Armenian Apostolic Church, will be christened shortly in yet unknown church, Aragats Akhoyan, Armenian MP and authorized representative of the National Congress of Western Armenians (NCWA) told Armenian News –

According to him, Merkan is unlikely to come to Armenian for christening because of insufficient financial means and long distance to Armenia.

The information on the changes made in Erdal Merkan’s passport over his conversion to the “Armenian Christianity” resonated with Turkey as well. The Istanbul-based Armenian newspaper “Zhamanak” called into question the statement by Aragats Akhoyan on the changes in Merkan’s passport.

But Akhoyan again told Armenian News – Merkan’s passport indicated a change in his affiliation. “To make sure, one can also have a look at the photos,” he said.

Erdal Merkan visited Armenia in early August wishing to be christened in Armenia, but he was turned down by the Armenian Apostolic Church.


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