June 20
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The documentary “Heritage of Silence,” which tells about the hidden Armenians in modern Turkey, has appeared in the final of PriMed 2015 contest in France. The latter is an international festival of Mediterranean documentaries and reportages.

The final will be held on December 5-12 in Marseille, Nouvelles d'Arménie reports. The organizer of the festival is the Mediterranean Center for Audiovisual Communication. The films were selected for several nominations. “Heritage of Silence” was selected along with three other films for the nomination “Mediterranean Memories”.

“Heritage of Silence” was shot by the French journalists Anna Benjamin and Guillaume Clere. The 52-minute long film follows the story of Armen, Dogukan, Yasar and Nazli, who consider themselves Turks and Kurds. But the late discovery turns their lives upside down: they are Armenians.

Their parents and grandparents survived the Armenian Genocide in 1915, hiding their true identity. Some of them were saved by Turkish and Kurdish families, while others hid. These Armenians got assimilated, converted to Islam and were forgotten.  

Currently, after hundred years of fear and silence, the history has begun floating to the surface. During the last ten years, more Turks find out their family secret and accept the Armenian heritage of their ancestors.

“Heritage of Silence” gives a clear idea about the heirs of Turkized Armenians, whose number, according to certain sources, exceeds million. 

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