June 20
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YEREVAN. - “ReAnimania” International Animation Film Festival is gaining popularity with every year. This year a number of exclusive screenings were held for the first time in the region, Vrezh Kasuni, Founding Director of ReAnimania told Armenian News – today.

“We screened the film “The Prophet,” which couldn’t be screened at many festivals: it can only be included in international festivals. The Oscar-nominated film Wanted 18 - documentary from Palestinian filmmaker shown only at special festivals - was also screened,” Vrezh Kasuni said.  

According to him, this year the festival was also remarkable for the large number of spectators.  

“In 2009, their number hardly reached 2,000, and now there are over 10,000 spectators. In 2009, people thought animation films were cartoons for babies, but with the years they understood that it’s a film,” Kasuni said.

“ReAnimania,” which concluded its results on November 2, helped young animators, who won the educational grant of the festival and will be able to spend one and a half month in the animation school at French Angoulême. 

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