June 19
Show news feed

YEREVAN. – Apparently, the negotiations with the Russian authorities, and with respect to reducing the price of Russian natural gas being supplied to Armenia, do not give the desired result, according to Haykakan Zhamanak daily.

“Such a suspicion arises from the subtexts of the statements by our senior officials.

“If we rephrase ‘colloquially,’ the [Armenian] PM [, Hovik Abrahamyan,] said the following [at Thursday’s Cabinet meeting]: ‘Dear Gazprom Armenia [CJSC], you are getting superprofits because of the high gas prices [in Armenia], but the [gas] consumption [in the country] is decreasing. Reduce the price of gas a little, consumption will increase, and you will get profits again.’

“[With this statement], first, the PM wants to show the public that the [Armenian] government is taking sturdy steps to reduce gas prices [in the country], and second, he shows the Russian side that he is petitioning for public support in this matter, and forming a public demand on gas price reduction,” Haykakan Zhamanak wrote.

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