June 19
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STEPANAKERT. - The international community should reconsider its approach to Azerbaijan, Karabakh President Bako Sahakyan said in an interview with Artsakh Public Television and Mediaton company.

“What took place in the life of Azerbaijan, is no less dangerous than what we see in different corners of the world, especially in connection with the extremists and terrorists,” he noted.

According to Sahakyan, the response of the international community during the four-day April war and thereafter can’t be satisfying, since the assessments weren’t precise, there being only calls directed to both sides.

“Whereas the international community uses all the means and actions to bring such elements to order, even carrying out military actions in case of such hazard, since they consider such a conduct as phenomena posing threat to the civilized world and thus annihilate them,” he said. 

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