June 19
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Norway will establish barriers on the border with Russia to stop the migrant flow from the Russian territory, Ellen Katrine Haetta, Chief of Police of the country’s Finnmark province bordering with Russia’s Murmansk Oblast (district), told NRK TV channel.

He noted that the recent events have shown how important it is to know who exactly enters Norway and the Schengen zone.

According to Border Commissioner Roger Jakobsen, Norway has already informed the Russian side on the construction of the fence. “This is of no difficulty for them [Russia] and is Norway’s problem, since we are building it from the Norwegian side of the border,” he said.  

Chairman of Norway’s Immigration Department Yon Olav Kroken told RBC that 5440 people, who were citizens of 42 countries, arrived in the country from Russia in 2015 to receive asylum. However, the positive decision on providing asylum was only taken in 5 percent of the cases. 

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