June 20
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YEREVAN. - If Azerbaijan unleashes a large-scale war, not only the process of providing mutual assistance to Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) but also that of its recognition will start.

Ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) MP Gagik Melikyan said the aforementioned Thursday at the debate on the topic “Possible consequences of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic recognition”.

In his words, today the Armenian Government simply discussed the bill, which may become the beginning of the discussion process in the National Assembly (NA) if serious changes in the situation are recorded and given favorable conditions for the Armenian side.

During Thursday’s session, the Government approved the conclusion on the bill “On the Recognition of Artsakh” introduced by two MPs. 

According to the document, “The Government of Armenia will decide on the adoption of the bill based on the results of discussions between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh and considering the further processes, including external factors”.

The aforementioned bill must be discussed at the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations during 30 days after its introduction (the term expires on May 19). 

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