June 19
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ISTANBUL. – Military operations were carried out at night also very close to the Armenian-populated district in Istanbul, Turkey.

Ara Koçunyan, chief editor of Jamanak Armenian daily of Istanbul, told about the aforesaid to Armenian

“There is a military unit and a radio company building nearby the Armenian-populated district, and which the rebels attempted to seize, whereas the pro-government forces fought [to defend them],” said Koçunyan. “That part of town was noisy all night; even military helicopters were involved in these operations.

“Fortunately, nobody was hurt, there are no injured, [and] they caused no damage to Armenians. The Armenian church and the Armenian school [in the area] also were not damaged. We have a school near the town’s main square, and it also was not affected.”

On Friday evening, media reported about a military coup attempt in Turkey. Military vehicles appeared on the streets of Ankara and Istanbul, and there were shootings and explosions.

A group of Turkish military officers announced about seizing power to restore constitutional order, and ensure human rights and freedoms in the country. 

According to most recent data, a total of 145 people are dead and more than 1,500 others are arrested.

Colonel Muharrem Köse had organized the military coup attempt in Turkey, reported the Turkish media.

Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım stated that these developments were unlawful.

And Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared that the coup attempt has failed and it will be completely thwarted.

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