June 19
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YEREVAN. – It is possible that Turkey will leave NATO, Russian political analyst Mikhail Alexandrov told Armenian

Turkey, he said, is very dissatisfied with US policy and, in particular, the fact that, perhaps, the United States stood behind the coup attempt and supports Fetullaha Gulen, who is likley to work with the U.S. intelligence agencies.

“Gulen, anyway, is involved in this coup. Therefore, Erdogan is dissatisfied, he is confident that the United States wants to remove him, and threatened to close the NATO air base at Incirlik, unless Washington hands over Gulen. Of course, there is the issue of Turkey's membership in NATO. Perhaps, this option is now being seriously considered in Turkey, because it is quite obviosu that NATO is not going to defend Ankara, ” Alexandrov said.

NATO is using Turkey for its own interests, as regards the Kurdish issue, no help from NATO is expected.

“Of course, under these conditions, Turkey's membership in NATO is not profitable. The Americans saw the sentiments and decided to intimidate Ankara by expelling it from the Alliance,” he explained.

The expert believes that leaving the Alliance is beneficial for Turkey.

“Turkey can be integrated into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), create a free trade zone with the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC). Armenia will benefit if Turkey creates a free trade zone with the EAEC, then the border must be opened. Armenia will not be isolated. There may be energy projects involving Armenia, Iran, Turkey and Russia, ” Alexandrov said. 

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