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YEREVAN. – It will be known within 15 days as to how much the natural gas prices will reduce in Armenia. 

Robert Nazaryan, Chairman of the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC), told the aforesaid to Armenian

But he noted that the respective priority will be given to the socially disadvantaged that are registered in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and to agriculture and greenhouses—the two branches that enhance business in Armenia.

Nazaryan added, however, that they need to ensure that the gas prices will not increase, at least, for the remaining consumers in the country. 

“But if there is a possibility, theirs will also be reduced,” noted the PSRC chief. “The Prime Minister has put the matter so that, in financial terms, it be so that it [i.e. the gas price] will reduce for everyone, to some extent.”

Robert Nazaryan stated that once the relevant financial source becomes known, the amount of this reduction will be determined.

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