July 27
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YEREVAN. – New flashpoints have emerged in the Middle East after regional superpowers, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, exchanged harsh statements over a week, Armenian analyst Araks Pashayan believes.

“We are witnessing a number of hybrid wars and some international contradictions that reflect differences between the two countries,” Pashayan said, adding that the countries of the Middle East are fighting for the influence and opportunity to have a leading position in the region.

According to the expert, the US and Russia, on the other hand use the situation in the Middle East to strengthen their positions.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has undertaken reforms in the country to strengthen Saudi Arabia's position, noted Araks Pashayan.

“In fact Lebanon is the last stronghold of the Saudis, and they will do their best to prevent further advancement of Hezbollah and ensure the influence of the Sunnis at any cost,” said the analyst.

Earlier, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced his resignation when being in Saudi Arabia, as he feared for his life. He has not returned to his homeland yet.

Relations between Lebanon and some Arab states deteriorated sharply following his resignation. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait urged their citizens to leave Lebanon, while Lebanese President Michel Aoun said that they had not accepted Hariri's resignation and would wait for his explanations upon his arrival in Beirut.

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