June 20
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Nobody treats the US much worse than the European Union, the US President Donald Trump said in an interview to CBS

“I mean, what's an ally? We have wonderful relationships with a lot of people. But nobody treats us much worse than the European Union. The European Union was formed in order to take advantage of us on trade, and that's what they've done,” he said.

“You know what's hostile? The way they treat us. We're not hostile,” the President said commenting on journalist’s remark that such an approach of the EU is “hostile”

The United States imposed import duties on European steel and aluminum back in March, 2018. In response, Brussels imposed sanctions on American goods imports.

The US President Donald Trump also voiced in May the US withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal in and re-imposition of the sanctions on Iran. The European Union promised to block the effect of sanctions to protect European companies.

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