June 19
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While sharing the daily lives of Lebanese-Armenians and waving the tricolor flag of Armenia in the fraternal country of Lebanon, Armenia’s High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs, Zareh Sinanian, visited the residences of compatriots in Beirut, talked to them, and witnessed the damages. This is noted in a Facebook statement of the office of the Commissioner.

“The Mississian and Boyadjian families felt the deadly blast of the explosion, which, besides the material damages, has also severely affected them psychologically. However, today, they are slowly recovering from it and trying to make up for what they have lost. While discussing with the High Commissioner, Maral Boyadjian, professor at the University of Notre Dame of Louaise and the American University of Beirut, highlights an important point: ‘After the disaster, each one of us was thinking about the other and how we could help our neighbors,’” the statement also reads.

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