June 20
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Russia supports Yerevan's aspiration to solve emerging issues in an allied manner and consistently promote mutually beneficial cooperation, speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko said at the meeting with the Speaker of the Armenian parliament Alen Simonyan.

According to the press service of the Russian Federation Council, Valentina Matviyenko noted the dynamic and substantive political dialogue between Moscow and Yerevan, especially on the highest level.

The Speaker of the Federation Council also expressed satisfaction with Russia-Armenia interaction in the parliament.  Valentina Matviyenko positively assessed the work of the bilateral Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, the 35th sitting of which was held in Krasnoyarsk this July. "It is important to prepare and coordinate the actual agenda of the 36th session which is scheduled to be held in early 2023 in Armenia already now."

Matviyenko also noted quite effective cooperation of parliamentary delegations at international platforms and common integration associations in the post-Soviet space, which have a parliamentary dimension. According to the Head of the Upper Chamber of the Russian Parliament, special attention should be paid to the integration efforts within the Collective Security Treaty Organization. The Speaker of the Federation Council drew the attention of Alen Simonyan to the increasing role of the Eurasian Economic Union. The inadmissibility of anti-Russian rhetoric in the information space was also discussed.

A separate topic of the discussion was the humanitarian issues - increasing the number of Russian textbooks, increasing the number of Russian schools in Armenia and improving the quality of language teaching.

"We support Yerevan's aspiration to solve issues on allied basis and consistently promote mutually beneficial cooperation," Matviyenko assured.

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