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The attempt to hastily sign a peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia at the expense of quality and proper preparation will lead to new conflicts in the future. Denis Gonchar, Director of the Fourth Department of the CIS Countries of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), said this in an interview with TASS.

"A hastily prepared, crude peace treaty will not bring lasting peace to the region. On the contrary, it will lay the foundation for new conflicts and tragedies in the future. The priority should not be given to speed, but to quality preparation of balanced and mutually acceptable decisions," the Russian diplomat emphasized.

Thus, he drew attention to the fact that there are recurring announcements from Western capitals that Baku and Yerevan will be able to sign a peace treaty "virtually in the coming weeks and months."

But according to Gonchar, Russia believes that the parties themselves should decide when to sign this peace treaty.

"The task of responsible mediators is not to speed up the negotiation process for the sake of opportunistic considerations, but to contribute to the achievement of solid long-term agreements. They should be based on the realities on the ground; first of all, on the Russian-Armenian-Azerbaijani statements at the highest level and the mechanisms acting on their basis," concluded the director of the Fourth Department of the CIS Countries of the Russian MFA.

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