June 20
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If there were parliamentary elections in Armenia on Sunday, the majority of the respondents would not go to the elections. Aram Navasardyan, director of the Gallup International Association in Armenia, told about this at a press conference Friday, presenting the results of their recent survey conducted with the residents of Armenia.

According to him, the respondents were asked the following question. "Which party or alliance would you vote for?" In response 13.3 percent said the ruling Civil Contract Party (CCP, and the other percentages were distributed in favor of more than a dozen other parties and alliances.

"We have tried not to offend anyone, and we have presented even the minimum indicators obtained. 36.3 percent noted that they will not participate in the elections, 20.2 percent found it difficult to answer," Navasardyan said.

As for why in the current situation the CCP got the most—albeit the minimum—votes again, Navasardyan explained that there were civil servants, police officers, etc. among the respondents.

"Let's not forget that among the respondents there are huge, overblown state apparatus employees who, as we know, tend to always vote for the ruling power or at least say that they will. There are representatives of police forces, law enforcement agencies here who also try to vote or say that they will vote for the Civil Contract Party," said Navasardyan.

He did not rule out that if the CC does not have power levers, it will get practically equal or less votes than some of the other political parties in Armenia.

According to him, next week they will sum up the ratings of the candidates in the upcoming Yerevan municipal elections.

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