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After a few years, the whole region will be rearranged, including Turkey, and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) will become a republic which will include Syunik Province of Armenia and some territories from Azerbaijan, military analyst Hayk Nahapetyan told Armenian

"If Artsakh wanted to receive humanitarian aid from Azerbaijan via the Aghdam road, it would be the first step of integration. [Azerbaijani president] Aliyev will arrest thousands of people on charges of war crimes, turn Artsakh into a filtration camp, and also persecute the authorities. Russia realizes this well. And if the integration program suddenly succeeds, then what are the Russian peacekeepers [in Artsakh] to do? Russia will do everything to stay in Artsakh. According to my information, recently there was a closed meeting in Moscow between the participants of Russia and Azerbaijan. That meeting was ineffective; probably the Russian side set a condition before Azerbaijan that even if humanitarian aid enters [Artsakh], the Russian peacekeepers got a different status," he said.

The military analyst rules out that Russia will cede the region to Turkey.

"If there is going to be integration, will be some territories of [Armenia’s] Syunik [Province] and Azerbaijan to Artsakh. After a few years, Artsakh will become a republic, Russia will not come out of Artsakh," he said.

According to Nahapetyan, Russia cannot do anything to reopen the Lachin corridor. There is no point about it in the trilateral statement of November 9, 2020, according to which Russia is not a party, but a mediator. In this case, as per the military analyst, the Lachin road was closed with the agreement of the authorities of Azerbaijan and Armenia.

"The authorities of Armenia have done everything with Azerbaijan to close the checkpoint. [Armenian PM] Nikol Pashinyan is accountable for this," Hayk Nahapetyan added.

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