June 20
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The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has published a report on the current situation in Gaza and the West Bank, where it was noted that there are not enough bags for dead bodies in Gaza.

For the fifth day in a row, there is no electricity, no water supply, no sewage, and Gaza is on the verge of collapse. Its residents do not have access to food and clean water.

More than a million people—about half of Gaza's population—have been forced to leave, 600,000 of these IDPs are in Khan Younis and Rafah, and 400,000 of them are in the UNRWA facilities.

The death toll is increasing, and there are not enough bags in Gaza for the bodies.

UNRWA reported that 14 of its employees were killed, but their number is probably higher, as there are 23 confirmed reports that UNRWA facilities were hit by Israeli airstrikes.

According to the Palestinian ministry of health, the number of killed Palestinians has reached 2,750 in Gaza, and 9,700 others have been injured since October 7.

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