June 20
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Hraparak daily of Armenia writes: Information is circulating in the authorities’ circles that the demand for early parliamentary elections was also "dropped" from the West.

Earlier, we had written that during one of the narrow party gatherings, [PM] Nikol Pashinyan touched—although fleetingly—upon the topic of the early [parliamentary elections], not excluding the possibility of holding elections next year.

We also had written that Pashinyan understands that time is working against the authorities: on the one hand, the [ruling] CC [(Civil Contract Party)] is being further discredited, on the other hand, the probability of a new opposition force being formed is increasing, so he has decided to surprise the opposition.

And it turns out that the West, in its turn, demands an "oath of loyalty" from Pashinyan that Armenia should quickly break away from Russia and rush to Europe. Instead of Pashinyan's assurances, the West expects that an anti-Russian parliament will be formed [in Armenia] through new elections, where Aram Zaven Sargsyan and other pro-Westerners will definitely be present, whereas today's parliamentary opposition, which is in an undisguised pro-Russian political line, will go home.

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