June 20
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Zhoghovurd newspaper of Armenia writes as follows: In order to stop the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh [(Nagorno-Karabakh)] on September 19, the authorities of Artsakh had to accept the preconditions of Azerbaijan: surrender of the historical territory of Artsakh, disarmament, and which led to the de-Armenianization of the second Armenian state.

On September 28, Artsakh President Samvel Shahramanyan had signed a decree, according to which the Republic of Artsakh will cease to exist as of January 1, 2024.

First, let us record that a decree signed by any official cannot dissolve Artsakh, as it is a sovereign state created by the people's referendum, with its own state organizations and attributes.

Samvel Shahramanyan himself has stated that no document can dissolve the state created by the people, thus also sending a message that the decree he signed has no legal force. In this case, it is perhaps strange why Shahramanyan himself does not officially announce that he is canceling the decree he signed.

Moreover, as reported by the sources of Zhoghovurd daily, there is already a decree to cancel that document which has no legal force, but, for some reason, the Artsakh government avoids publicizing it.

It is also important that this cancellation decree be publicized before the end of the year, so that this message is officially given to the international community.

Thus, there is little time left for the entry into force of the Artsakh dissolution document, and time will tell how the Artsakh government will act.

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