June 20
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Past daily of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes as follows: The results of another survey conducted by Gallup International Association in Armenia have formed a noteworthy picture. First, it is obvious that the overwhelming majority of the society is against [PM] Nikol Pashinyan and his authorities, as well as the steps being taken by them.

In particular, according to about 38% [o the respondents], the RA Constitution should remain unchanged. 34.2% expressed the opinion that certain provisions should be changed, which, however, should not in any way refer to symbols of national identity and the Declaration of Independence. Moreover, only 13.4% of the survey participants believe that the Republic of Armenia needs a new Constitution.

Next: 95.7% of our citizens expressed their willingness to fight for the Motherland in the event of a possible war. This indicator shatters Nikol Pashinyan's fairy tales about losing as a result of not wanting to fight or "12 thousand deserters."

As for Nikol Pashinyan himself, as expected, his rating has dropped sharply. In particular, 15.1% "fully trust" him, compared to 20.4% 3 months ago. Those who don't trust him ("I rather don't trust" and "I don't trust at all") make up 66.4% of respondents (about 55% 3 months ago).

At the same time, the assessment given to the political arena [in Armenia ] in general is noteworthy. It is true that the leader in terms of trust is the [ruling] CC [(Civil Contract) Party] and the parliamentary opposition. However, polls have shown that about 68% are either completely disappointed with the existing main political forces, or want to see new forces and individuals. In this regard, it is an important indicator for all forces that about 23% "had a hard time answering" and about 26% declared that they would not participate in the elections. Moreover, the fact that more than half of the respondents were in favor of snap parliamentary elections (definitely necessary—29.3%, rather necessary—20.8%) gives reason to think.

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