June 20
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Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's words about Russia's alleged calls for a coup d'état in the republic have no basis; Moscow has never allowed even an insinuation of such a thing. Maria Zakharova, the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), stated this at Wednesday’s press briefing

"Those claims of the Prime Minister of Armenia (...) have no basis. Russian officials have never even insinuated at overthrowing legitimately elected authorities anywhere. I would like the authorities of Yerevan, when they talk about such things, to remember that we profess such an approach to the current authorities of Yerevan and the previous authorities of Yerevan and indeed to any sovereign state.

A logical question arises: Those who are now in Yerevan, do they adhere to this logic in connection with other countries or in connection with their own internal political processes?

It seems to me that it would be good to think about this topic; we remember the recent history that happened several years ago. The representatives of the Armenian authorities can boast of the same approach towards the former leadership of Armenia," concluded the official representative of the Russian MFA.

At the same time, Zakharova reminded that Russia and Armenia remain allies, but "for some reason, they pay the least attention to it in Yerevan."

"They look at some information component under a magnifying glass. We have time-tested official relations, and under it there is a legal basis," said the official representative of the Russian MFA.

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