June 19
Show news feed

YEREVAN. – Memorial service for the souls of the Avetisyan family – victims of a brutal murder in Gyumri – was held in Surb Sargis church of Yerevan on Tuesday. (photos)

Numerous mourners gathered in the church to light a candle and pray for six-month-old Seryozha who died on Monday.

As reported earlier, six-month-old Seryozha Avetisyan died on Monday. Other six members of his family had been  killed last week. Valery Permyakov, a serviceman of the 102nd Russian Military Base in the city, stands accused in this crime.

The soldier is charged under Russian law, with “the murder of more than two people,” and “desertion with a service weapon.” The Investigative Committee of Armenia also has launched a criminal case on the murders.

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Armenia had stated that Valery Permyakov will face justice under Russian law, and this information had provoked a wave of protests in Armenia, especially in Gyumri and capital city Yerevan.

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