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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced that President Vladimir Putin has not received any telephone call from his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, reported RIA Novosti news agency of Russia.

“There was not [a phone call],” Lavrov told reporters, in response to the respective question.

Erdoğan, however, had told France 24 television that he had tried to call Putin in connection with the downing of the Russian warplane, but the telephonic conversation had not taken place.

The Turkish president had added that he had asked for a meeting with the Russian leader, on November 30 in Paris, but so far he had received no response from Russia.

The Turkish air force on Tuesday shot down a Russian Su-24 attack aircraft/interdictor on the Turkish-Syrian border. The warplane was taking part in the antiterrorism operations in Syria.

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