June 20
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YEREVAN. – Armenia should strive to change the situation when 600 types of Iranian goods enter the Armenian market, whereas there are only 100 types of Armenian goods in the Iranian market, Iranian Studies specialist Gohar Iskandaryan said at a press conference on Thursday. 

In her words, Iran is becoming an active player in the international economy, there is a growing interest towards this country, and this is logical.

“In connection with Armenia, several projects, which were put off for financial reasons, will be implemented,” Iskandaryan stated. “Construction of the Iran-Armenia railway is very important. Building a 60-kilometer railway until our border is generally not a problem for Iran. The problem here is in our side—building 400 kilometers [of this railway in Armenia]; financial donors are needed for this.”

She added, however, that the Armenian leadership has a sufficient political will for the construction of this railway link.

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