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The roofs of the houses were damaged, and the windows were broken as a result of the Azerbaijani shelling of Mataghis village, in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR/Artsakh), at night, Mataghis school principal Gegham Aghajanyan told Armenian

“It [i.e. the shells] hit the walls of seven houses, damaged the roofs of some [houses],” he said. “And windows of the 70 percent of homes are broken.”

In Aghajanyan’s words, over 30 shells were launched toward the village, but most of them had the surrounding hills.

As reported earlier, the adversary continued to intensively shell along the Line of Contact between the Karabakh and Azerbaijani opposing forces, from late Wednesday night to early Thursday morning.

During this time the Azerbaijani armed forces fired more than 240 missiles at the NKR Defense Army positions, and by way of tanks, mortars, cannons, reactive rocket propelled howitzers, and Grad missile launchers.

In addition, Mataghis village of Artsakh was shelled from Grad missile launchers.

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