June 19
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The representatives of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan on Monday issued a joint statement at the OSCE Permanent Council session in connection with the 75th anniversary of the launch of the Great Patriotic War

“On 22 June 1941, the peoples of our countries were subjected to the most terrible  attack in the world history, which aimed to not only invade, but also totally annihilate and enslave the survivors. The attack of Nazi Germany and its allies on the Soviet Union called into question the very issue of the future of all our nations. The Great Patriotic War became one of the most tragic pages of European history. The crimes committed by the Nazi, including the Holocaust, burnt cities and villages and death camps, inflicted serious wounds on all the peoples of the USSR, as well as their foreign communities, which made their important contribution in reaching common Victory. They sacrificed the lives of 27 million people – almost half of all the victims of the World War II - for the sake of the Victory

The participants of the anti-Nazi coalition then managed to rise above their ambitions and controversies among them in order to resist the common enemy and abolish the criminal ideology together.

The example of those heroic days is timely even in face of new current threats. The propaganda of Nazi ideas and values is openly carried out; urges to violence on ethnical ground can be heard.

Neo-Nazi movements and groups, as well as ultranationalist parties act in an entire range of countries in the OSCE area, using Nazi symbolism and mottos. Attempts are being made to level the victims and the executioners, and include the Nazi heroes and their accomplices into a rank of heroes. Even more frightening is the fact that such phenomena are taking place in countries which have themselves gone through the trial of war.

In the post-war history, the hate rhetoric has repeatedly led to massive violence and violent killings, reminding the crimes of the Nazi. All this offends the memory of the millions of victims, threatening the fundamental principles of democracy and human rights and provoking tension in the OSCE region. Our countries will therefore be consistent in standing up against those who seek to reconsider the results of the war and distort history.

We decisively condemn any attempts of Nazism glorification, growth of neo-Nazi sentiments and targeted attempts to rewrite history, as well as distortion and reconsideration of the WWII. We consider the maintaining and appearance of new demarcation lines and closed borders, as well as sanctions applied in contravention of the UN Security Council unacceptable.  

The lessons of those tragic years vividly show that there is no alternative to collective diplomatic work toward searching for optimal responses to various challenges.

We are sure that the genuine security must be equal and indivisible, based on the principles of international law and constructive cooperation.

Our states confirm their decisiveness to exert maximal efforts to ensure peace, prevent the armed conflicts, reach peaceful settlement of disputes, counteract to challenges and threats to international security and stability.

We stem from the fact that the full recognition of the results of the Victory of the WWII, enshrined by the UN Charter and other international documents, are the imperative for all the states without exclusion.”

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