June 20
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Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, deputy PMs and ministers took the oath of office during a ceremony at Armenian president’s residence on Monday evening.

Talking to reporters after the ceremony, PM said snap parliamentary election is a priority for his government, but at the same time they will continue implementing short-term and long-term projects.

Pashinyan also spoke about his intention to replace all governors.

The Australian Ryde City Council unanimously adopted a resolution in support for the independence of the Republic of Artsakh.

The City Council called on the central government to officially recognize the independence of the Republic of Artsakh and strengthen Australia’s relationship with Artsakh and its citizens.

U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary in the State Department's Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Bridget Brink will visit Armenia later this week.

rench Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian will visit Armenia on May 27-28, spokesperson for Armenian Foreign Ministry said.

Hundreds of guests will arrive in Armenia on May 28 which marks the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia.

President of the Armenian National Assembly Ara Babloyan introduced the seven new members of parliament during a session on Tuesday.

After approving the NA agenda, these new MPs took an oath of office.

The Azerbaijani side is carrying out engineering work at the said sector, and this poses a danger to Armenian military positions, spokesperson for Armenian foreign office Tigran Balayan said.

“We have repeatedly alerted, including the mediators, that such actions strain the situation and can lead to deaths,” he noted.

The Armenian MFA spokesperson noted that the recent death of an Azerbaijani soldier could have been a result of abnormal relations, and not of exchange of fire—as Baku claims.

“At any rate, we will not allow to change the [military] positions at any sector,” stated Tigran Balayan.

Charles Aznavour marks his 94th birthday on May 22.


The new Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, on Tuesday issued a message of congratulations to world-renowned French Armenian singer.

 “We are impatient that you see and become convinced with your own eyes that the Armenian citizen, the Armenian people have won and built the victory of their own talent, will, diligence, [and] dream,” the statement reads.
