June 19
Show news feed

Bill Gates, one of the founders and former CEO of U.S. company Microsoft, ridiculed the IT-giant's decision to stop supporting the browser Internet Explorer.

According to Business Insider, the billionaire jokingly linked the shutdown of the program with the chipping of mankind.

He joked on Twitter that the company had to shut down Internet Explorer because it "ran out of microchips" vaccinating everyone.

He thus responded to a recording of the American TV show The Daily Show, which recalled conspiracy theories about people being injected with a chip along with the coronavirus vaccine.

"Wow, Bill Gates encourages everyone to get vaccinated, then a year later Internet Explorer dies. Coincidence???" said the show's post.

During the 2020-2021 pandemic, the theory was extremely popular online that Bill Gates was responsible for the spread of the coronavirus and was going to implant chips in the world's population to control it. It was claimed that the chips were being spread through vaccines or through 5G communication towers.

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