June 04
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As of now, we have two confirmed casualties among civilians; the investigation is ongoing in that regard. Argishti Kyaramyan, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Armenia, told this Saturday to several reporters in Gegharkunik Province—and with respect to Azerbaijan’s latest military aggression against Armenia.

"One was killed as a result of [the Azerbaijanis] directly targeting a road. Yes, we also have a case where an ambulance was targeted," he added.

According to him, criminal cases have been opened into the act of aggression and committing a number of significant international humanitarian violations by the military and political leadership of Azerbaijan; criminal cases have been opened under the article on looting, too.

As per Kyaramyan, the criminal case was opened on the very day of the aforesaid military aggression on Tuesday, and since that day, the Investigative Committee has been conducting the work.

He informed that there was no military infrastructure or military personnel in the damaged civil infrastructures or in the areas between them.

"It is obvious that Azerbaijan directly targeted the civilian population and civilian infrastructures," Kyaramyan said.

When asked what their next courses of action will be after the completion of the investigation, the chairman of the Investigative Committee responded: "Actually, targeting civilian infrastructures is very important to clearly specify that we can raise these matters in international instances. Our colleagues are working in that direction, we will provide the evidence we have collected also to the competent state structures working in those instances. We are working very intensively and promptly, we have already provided a part of them, new information is constantly being provided.

Also, our colleagues have petitioned regarding the identified [Armenian] detainees, and there are already decisions by the European Court [of Human Rights] to apply an interim measure [against Azerbaijan]."

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