June 20
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The document on the extension and capacity increase of the Gas for Electricity contract with Iran was signed Thursday at the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of Armenia.

This document was signed by the CEO of Yerevan Thermal Power Plant, Aram Ghazaryan, and the deputy minister of oil for gas affairs of Iran and director of the National Iranian Gas Company, Majid Chegeni, the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of Armenia informs Armenian

Accordingly, the aforesaid contract was extended until 2030.

Gnel Sanosyan, the Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of Armenia, congratulated the parties on the extension of this contract, and emphasized that it is one of the best manifestations of Armenian-Iranian friendly relations.

Chegeni, in turn, underscored the extension of this contract, and stressed that it will give a new impetus to the development of Armenian-Iranian relations.

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