June 19
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YEREVAN. – Purely in political terms, the monopoly needs to be broken. And from the economic aspect, you need to take steps which will invigorate economy very quickly and change the general climate in the country.

Non-pro-government Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Chairman, oligarch Gagik Tsarukyan told the aforesaid to, in response to the query as to what is behind the expression, “A new kind of power and politics.”

“The small businesses [in Armenia] shall be exempt from all taxes for several years. No authority representative shall have the right to enter a man’s institution to demand anything from him. No one in Armenia shall any longer be able to take a share from the business of a businessman by using his position. There shall be no monopolies in Armenia.

“The [country’s] state system shall work in a normal climate; it shall always feel protected.

“The [political] climate has changed [in Armenia] after October 24 [, the day of the last rally by the three non-government parliamentary forces (Armenian National Congress, PAP, and Heritage)]. I’m confident that the authorities saw the wave of discontent, and, hopefully, understood that the old methods and steps will quickly lead them to an impasse. The people have voiced the demand for changes. We truly support a peaceful, stable regime change.

“I can’t be apathetic when Armenia is weakening before my eyes. I have no way back. I’ll go [on my path] until the situation changes in Armenia,” Tsarukyan stated, in particular.

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