June 22
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Speaking of the present state of the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process, Lernik Alexanyan, a member of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) parliamentary faction, pointed out that the conflict must be resolved by means of a compromise. This, in turn, implies the exchange of the liberated territories for Nagorno-Karabakh’s status. “Retaining seven regions is illogical,” he said.

As regards the territories occupied by Azerbaijan – Martakert and Martuni in Nagorno-Karabakh, and Artsvashen in Armenia, as well as the number of regions to be ceded to Azerbaijan – Alexanyan does not care about it. It is only Nagorno-Karabakh’s status and security that is of importance for him.

As regards the Armenian public’s reaction to a cession, Alexanyan said that the public is ready to territorial concessions, as it is well aware of the cost of war. “Stop a person in the street and ask him if it would be right to retain control over Aghdam, he will say that Aghdam can be ceded to Azerbaijan if Artsakh gets independence,” Alexanyan said. He stressed that all his associates share his opinion.

He admits that many people will object to a cession, as ordinary people are not well informed of the negotiating process. “Aghdam is not out homeland,” Alexanyan said. He pointed out that he has been of this opinion since 1990s and can even voice it in the center of Stepanakert.

Alexanyan is sure anyone can be convinced ceding the territories is the right thing to do.

Citing an example from international practice at’s request – when, one state ceded territories to another after war – Alexanyan pointed out he knows numerous examples. However, he offered the following introduction:

“It was not an Armenian-Azerbaijani war. It was a regional war with many forces involved. The war was waged for Artsakh. Since the war is not over – it was stopped for a while – the liberated territories are not actually ours,” Alexanyan said, without citing any examples.

Speaking of Aghdam, Alexanyan asked the journalists which of the sides it belongs to. One of the journalists, referring to the NKR Constitution, said that it is part of Nagorno-Karabakh. In response, Alexanyan said that it is not enough. According to him, Aghdam is not part of Nagorno-Karabakh.

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