June 08
Show news feed

STEPANAKERT. – The situation along the Karabakh-Azerbaijan armed confrontation zone has remained unchanged, from late Monday night to early Tuesday morning.

The Azerbaijani armed forces violated the ceasefire agreement over 80 times, but this time by using virtually all types of artillery and armored vehicles in its arsenal, especially mortars, a grenade launcher, an anti-aircraft autocannon, a reactive rocket propelled howitzers, and a tank.

The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Defense Army (NKR/Artsakh) informed Armenian that, aside from military posts, the adversary also launched Grad missiles at NKR Martakert town. In addition, artillery fire was shot toward Mataghis village.

As a result of this breach of the truce, NKR Defense Army servicemen Tigran Poghosyan (born in 1992) and Aram Arushanyan (born in 1972) were killed. 

The Artsakh army, however, took preventive measures to neutralize the aggressive actions by Azerbaijan. It dealt targeted blows to the vanguard positions and shooting posts of the adversary, causing it to suffer considerable casualties and military equipment loss.

“At this time, the situation is relatively calm all along the line of contact of the opposing forces,” the respective NKR Ministry of Defense statement reads.

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