June 22
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YEREVAN. - Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) does not rule out the possibility that at the extended-format session of the party’s political council—scheduled for December 3—a call will be made to its former leader Gagik Tsarukyan to return to politics.

MP from PAP faction, Mikayel Melkumyan, said the aforementioned to Radio Liberty.  

“Nothing can be ruled out: the political council deals with this. I don’t rule out that this issue will be discussed. We are all convinced that we will be stronger and more viable  with Gagik Tsarukyan,” Melkumyan stated.

The party spokesman Vanik Elizbekyan also told Armenian News – that he cannot rule out anything.  

The upcoming session, during which it is planned to discuss issues related to the future elections, will be closed-door. 

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