June 19
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The issue of exploitation of the Amulsar gold mine is a paradoxical issue for Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan. This is what leader of National Concord political party Aram Harutyunyan told journalists today.

“There are paradoxes in every theory. For Nikol Pashinyan, the issue of the Amulsar gold mine is a paradoxical issue. On the one hand, if he opens the mine, he will go against the ideas of the revolution. On the other hand, there are people who are in favor and against exploitation of the mine,” he stated.

Aram Harutyunyan stressed that Nikol Pashinyan is in a very bad situation and added that the Amulsar gold mine issue is a serious issue. “I am certain that Nikol Pashinyan will apply force since a coward opens fire because he or she is in fear. If a couple of thousand people gather in front of the government building and demand his resignation, we don’t know what his reaction will be. He is inadequate, and I am certain that, unlike the previous presidents, he can’t picture himself in such a situation.”

According to him, the situation will escalate, and people will be beating and crushing each other.

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