June 13
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YEREVAN. – [Prime Minister] Nikol Pashinyan has destroyed the country; the criminal shall sit in prison! Vazgen Manukyan, the Homeland Salvation Movement’s candidate for Prime Minister, told this to reporters during the opposition’s rally in front of the main building of the government.

"If we [Armenia] want to go in a civilized way—that is, not to destroy the state—, then the people must participate here," he added in particular.

According to Manukyan, the people are depressed. "But the people will get out of this situation. Whatever will happen in Armenia, it will be done not through detachments, but through the people," he added.

In response to a reporter’s remark that PM Pashinyan does not want to resign because there is a part of the people who do not want him to step down, Vazgen Manukyan stated: "In any country of the world, at any time, there is always a part that is on the side of the government. He [Pashinyan] has destroyed the country; the criminal shall sit in prison!"

Manukyan stressed that Armenians were losing something every day and the "war" was still in progress. "The active period [of the recent Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) war] is over, and now the creeping occupation [by Azerbaijan]. (…). Even if you forget the past, this matter needs to be resolved quickly by thinking about the future, and that matter is resolved by the people," Vazgen Manukyan added.

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