June 05
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The leaders of Russia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan are personally engaged in resolving the Karabakh issue. The statement came from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during a meeting Wednesday at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Lavrov noted Moscow's decisive role in establishing a ceasefire in November last year.

"It is not a one-day job, and the leaders of the three countries are personally engaged in it, as well as our military, which is part of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Nagorno-Karabakh [(Artsakh)]. They are working to reduce tension and build trust," the Russian FM said.

He added that the Russian border guards help "Armenian allies in resolving issues with [their] Azerbaijani neighbors."

As for Yerevan-Moscow relations, according to Lavrov, the development of bilateral economic cooperation is moving forward quite confidently.

"Armenia is our ally. Yesterday, the new minister of foreign affairs [of Armenia] was at us, we conducted good negotiations. We have a very rich bilateral agenda—exchange of visits and implementation of large projects, development of economic cooperation. All this is moving forward very intensively and confidently," Sergey Lavrov said.

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